Saturday, March 19, 2011

Heavy recap


Ronnie and Debbie


Height: 6'2"

Start Weight: 446.6 lbs

End Weight: 264.8 lbs

“The knowledge I gained during this experience altered my life. I now understand that life is about choices and we all fail. The failure is not what makes us who we are, it’s the journey to recovery that makes us strong.”

Ronnie is another “big guy” who is a hell of a lot bigger than just big. He’s the quintessential football player. In his heyday he was encouraged to be corn fed and husky. The problem is that unless you are putting in football workouts to go along with that diet of extra everything, you will gain weight. Ronnie is a perfect example of a self saboteur. He knows how to workout and his fiancé is a fitness professional! The more he gains, the more he feels helpless to do anything about it. His family relies on him to be the big strong man who saves the day and Ronnie is buckling under the pressure. He has six kids, a fiancé, and was caregiver for a mother who died of breast cancer. That’s a lot to carry on your shoulders.

Ronnie steps up to the plate and does the damn thing at Hilton Head Health spa. They changed the format dramatically this episode. The participants stay the entire 6 months instead of 30 days like prior participants. This leads to fantastic weight loss as they are guided every step of the way. Visiting day had Ronnie’s fiancé joking that he could stop losing weight and I wanted to pop her upside the head for saying that. You can love someone unconditionally and still encourage them to continue their weight loss journey. I’m glad Ronnie didn’t use that as an excuse to quit. His final weight loss of 180lbs was phenomenal. I know his new sleeker profile will motivate him to keep the weight off. His fiancé will finally get that beach wedding he’s been too ashamed to have. Good for him!


Height: 5'2"

Start Weight: 400.4 lbs

End Weight: 269.8 lbs

“This experience saved my life, I gave the weight too much power over me. I now eat to live, instead of living to eat.”

Okay, Debbie was a Hot Ass Mess, a HAM. I was done with her almost immediately. I can’t stand girls who act like they are too delicate to work out. My mouth fell open when she told the trainer she was going to get off the treadmill as soon as she left the room. WTF??? Debbie is a 44yr old virgin. Not for religious reasons, either. She never comes right out and says it but she implies that her weight keeps her from dating. I’m not buying that. I know too many women Debbie’s size (including a friend named Debbie) who date with no problems. Debbie has low self esteem and is socially awkward. These things will prevent her from dating no matter what she looks like. The flirting 101 class with the trainer at the golf course was just sad. Debbie is at a crossroads in her life and seemed resigned to being the fat spinster cat lady. You do have a choice in how you live your life. I’m glad Debbie finally woke up and got with the program. It would be a damn shame if the $72,000+ spent on her went to waste. Thankfully it did not. Debbie lost 130lbs/ 30% fat and I will clap for that!

Another emotional Heavy roller coaster comes to an end. It’s funny that this episode was a great example of sabotage in its many forms. Self, family, and society tell us we can’t. We have to love ourselves enough to say “Yes we can” J

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